The Secretive World of XYL Swapping
By K5KAC, on the scene
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. – A group of local ham radio operators, who wish to remain anonymous, are finding love in all the right places. “It sort of arose organically,” said a local club president. “I was rag-chewing with some guys and they were debating a possible QTH swap, a light when on in my head and I began to research XYL swapping.” His search took him deep into a guarded world.
It is not known when XYL swapping was officially born, though the advent of the LED callsign badge seems to be a major catalyst in its success. At the end of each club meeting, the secretive club, wishing to be known as the League of Extraordinarily Well-Grounded Gentlemen, place their flashing LED Callsign Badges in an empty Heathkit Cantenna. Then, each member takes his turn pulling a badge from the Cantenna.
“You are awarded the XYL of whichever call you pull. Our club meetings typically wind down about 12:30 UTC, so you get back to the other guy’s shack just in time to work some DX on 20m. The XYL is then free to watch her TV programs in the other room and come in and nag you occasionally. Sometimes there are chores. It seems strange, but I have never been happier back at home,” said a club member speaking on condition of anonymity.
Most reason that XYL swapping is as old as QSL cards and raffle baskets. “We assume the CBers were onto this is in the 70s. I mean, it was the 70s and we are talking 11m here,” mused the club president. However, there is no definitive proof. One thing is certain: XYL swapping is alive and well in the ham radio world.