Obama Issued Embarrassing Ham Callsign

By WBØRUR, on the scene
WASHINGTON, D.C. — After months of studying, practice exams and thumbing through the latest Ham Radio Outlet catalog, President Barack Obama has been issued a FCC amateur radio service callsign.
Obama passed the amateur radio “General Class” exam last Sunday at the Delmarva hamfest.
After successfully defending a citizenship challenge from several FCC Commissioners who wanted him to use a 5Z4 callsign, Obama passed the exam with an 86% score.
The chief executive says despite his accomplishment, he’s disappointed in his callsign.
“I was hoping for something more ‘presidential,'” says Obama.
Obama will join the amateur ranks with the call sign: NØBMA.
FCC spokesman Robert Thorndyke declined comment, except to say, “Wait until you see what we have planned for Jeb Bush.”
You can work President Obama at 1800 UTC Thursdays when he checks into the White House Roundtable Net on 14.242 MHz SSB.
### hamhijhinks.com
April Fools?
I’d guess it was an April Fools Joke, that callsign comes up as not found on QRZ and on the FCC ULS.
It is a valid call sign now. some YL in ND
I heard they moved the net to 14.300
I knew it just by the 0 call.
Now, if he ever did get a license, it I heard him respond to my CQ, I would not ‘hear’ his respnce. “Say again? Sorry old man…too much QRM.”
I don’t like the man. I never have. I am a resident of Illinois.
I would even if it was a POTUS I didn’t like. That would a good QSL card to have in the collection.
Congrat Mister, Welcome to the International Community “Amateur Radio” One World One Language. de YB1LZ
Thought the Net was at 1600???
not on the ULS site…. not true
Felicidadez Sr precidente algunos dia en algunos momento contactaremos..
Parece mentira que gente ya grande no se de cuenta que esto se trate de un chiste, por cierto de “mal gusto” .
I think it’s bad joke
Felicidades Sr. Presidente Obama, aqui al mundo de la Radio Amateur es usted bienvenido, los radioaficinados de todo el mundo se caracterizan por servir a su comunidad y al proximo, por ser altruistas y de buen corazon, 73´s y muchos DX de XE1GGQ Guillermo Aguilar desde Guadalajara Jalisco México.
That could be a threat to his security if some crazy person got on radio and made racial threats to barack obama. the secret service and the FCC would have to monitor his transmissions to protect him.
auguri e 73 presidente!!!
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This even had one of the WIN System tech net operators fooled! He asked what Obama’s callsign was on the trivia net for 05/25/2015 – http://winsystem.kk6jyt.com/
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This news is a hoax from latino countries. Forget it.
Нифига се шуточки!
N0BMA is a legal call sign but definitely not his