New FCC Program Promises A Great Certificate

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By K5KVN, on the scene

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Federal officials concerned with increased demand on radio spectrum are cracking down on amateur radio license holders that don’t use their transmitting privileges.

The announcement was made yesterday by the Federal Communications Commission. “If you’re a ham radio operator and you don’t actually operate a ham radio, we will ask you to return your license,” said FCC special agent Augusto V. Landingham.

The surprise move by the commission is in response to growing demand for radio waves. “The  ‘Load It Up, Or Give It Up’ program will ensure that only those who are truly interested in generating radio signals get to do so. Plus, we have to make room for the growing number of people obtaining amateur licenses, which is skyrocketing because it’s so easy to memorize the answers to the exam questions,” said Landingham.

Federal officials are still determining how they will enforce the program. Amateur radio operators are encouraged to email the FCC with suggestions.

Gene Tingleman, a ham radio operator from Petaluma, Calif., agreed with the principle behind the new regulation. “If you don’t know code or you’re shy around the mic or don’t even know where the push-to-talk button is on the radio, then maybe it’s time you let someone else do the transmitting.”

There is one additional option, according to officials. Radio operators who don’t actually transmit with a radio for more than six months may opt to exchange their license for a “listening certificate.” This type of license will allow the user to listen to transmissions made by others. They boast that the certificate is available by sending an SASE and will be “printed on premium paper; suitable for framing.”

Listening License

KB8UUZ sent in this listening license, believed to be the very first one issued.



  • The FCC should make the tests harder to pass and change questions frequently. Also the test examiners should not teach the TQs. Many people passing the tests have no idea what a resistor or SWR is.

  • Am I missing something about, Brian Williams.

    There is no date so i’m very confused. As an example. Heathkit has been out of business for over 20 years I believe. So what am I missing about what was written about him. ?

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