Ham Says FT8 Needs To Take Ruining Ham Radio More Seriously

LITTLE FORK, MINN. — A local amateur radio operator says FT8 needs to do more to live up to its reputation of destroying ham radio.
“Who are they trying to kid? FT8 needs to step it up if it’s going to ruin ham radio like everyone says,” said Cecil Donahue.
The popular digital mode is being perceived by some as taking away from sideband and CW activity.
“Here’s the deal – the mode involves a radio, RF, logging the contact, and many other facets of normal everyday operation in any other mode,” says Donahue. “They really missed the mark if they’re trying to destroy the hobby.”
Not one to complain without offering a solution, he suggests a better way.
“What they should have done is connect a computer to the internet and let people talk to each other that way. See? That’s not ham radio at all.”
By K5KVN, on the scene
Ham radio is not at all what it used to be or should be vhf uhf is a playground of arrogant over educatedidiots and Hf is a computer mayham with people not willing to really work for an award it is an ezpensive hobby that is no longer anyfun
One of the key enjoyments of my 56 years as a ham is humor. Used to get special pleasure from the April issue of QST and the one April fool article that many inevitable took seriously. FT8 is great for a quick check of propagation. Great way to see if a dead band really is. I welcome the new mode, but it doesn’t stop me from other modes. 73. Steve – KE4WI
in the event of an emergency other modes of communication might be impossible so if FDA or any of the other digital modes were made so that messages could be sent more easily using these modes it would be a smart move
I welcome new modes; it’s a chance to experiment with new ways to communicate; only problem is we are running out of bandwidth; not many willing to give up their favorite mode “space” for a new mode
Just another fad. It to will fade out someday. I tried ft8 and while it was great for DX, it was just too automated for me. So… i closed out and went back down to the lower side of 40m, 7.003 to be exact, and worked DX with the Bencher BY-1.
Ft8 isn’t a viable mode for conducting emergency traffic or vital information, to me it is a propagation mode for signal reports.Not day ok ng it doesn’t have it’s place in Ham Radio. But so does SSB and packet, the latter being able to convey more information.
Half the people complaining about FT8 haven’t keyed up a radio since Methuselah died. The other half is on 75 Meters daily talking about their ailments. They have no use for FT8 because there is no way to tell other hams how constipated they’ve been and what kind of toe fungus they have.
Putting aside the usual ‘It isn’t communications’, it’s sucking the air out of ‘Real Ham Radio’, etc. there in IMHO a big problem with the DxPedition Mania Modes of FT8 spreading over other established modes. Outside of the normal FT8 Window, they spread their Dx Chasers into ‘other watering holes’ with a mode that shifts them up to transmit on frequencies they are QRM’ing without monitoring first. Sorry, this is just ‘LID operation. In fact, I would submit that the ‘SuperFox’ modes like this are unlawful as you never monitor the frequencies you are jamming.