Ham Op 3rd Most Popular Costume this Halloween Season

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By K5KAC, on the scene and in costume

Middletown, Conn. — According to Venture Costumes, a Halloween costume retailer, Sexy Nurses and Teen Zombies had better watch out. “If you follow our market data, there is a significant, wide-spread interest in dressing up like a Ham Radio Operator for Halloween, and we want to meet that demand,” said CEO Matt Larr.

ham_radio_halloween_costume_smallerThe company has rolled out its much-researched “Ham Kit” in time for trick-or-treating and wild office parties. “I spent a lot of time with a scanner listening to local repeaters. I even snuck into a few club meetings to really get into the belly of the beast. I was horrified and bewildered,” noted Evie Christian, lead costume designer for Venture. “In my opinion, I think I’ve come up with a great, terrifying product.”

Venture’s “Ham Kit” comes bundled with clothing, hair/beard dye, and accessories. The clothing portion includes a pair of off-orange Crocs, a pair of “broken-in” sweatpants, “LET’S FREQ!” novelty shirt, and a pair of rose-tinted glasses. Accessories include a Beofunger plastic HT with open squelch effect, blood glucose monitoring kit, LED callsign badge and embroidered callsign hat. A bonus “Ham Musk” spray which promises to “Bring Terror to the Senses!” is available for $5.99.

At press time, there were talks of a possible “Sexy Ham” novelty costume for women, however Venture’s creative team was having issues bridging the gap between the two concepts. The Ham Kit will be available at department stores soon with a MSRP of $31.00 USD.

### hamhijinks.com


  • Pingback: Ham Radio Halloween costume? | KK4DSD

  • They may have trouble with a “Sexy Ham” costume, but add 3 more HT’s and they have the HamSexy one on the nose.

  • Scott Edson Young

    Glucose monitor is a nice touch.

  • Another Classic Nate!

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