Confused Hams Show Up To Hara

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DAYTON, OHIO — The Dayton Hamvention has moved on to bigger and better things in the Greene County Expo Center, but some hams aren’t ready to quit old Hara Arena just yet.

 Hara Arena, which has hosted Hamvention since seemingly the dawn of time, had grown ratty and fell into disrepair. The Dayton Amateur Radio Association finally made the bold but necessary move to a newer, better location, but some hams seem to be stuck in old habits.

“I showed up at 4:30 a.m. here at Hara just like I do every year,” said ham operator Boyd Flauderson, 78, from the Hara parking lot. “You gotta get here early to get in line for the scooters,” he shared.

“The Hara flea market is a little smaller than last year,” noted Rodrick Aerent, 93, who had just arrived on a red-eye flight from his home country of Scotland.

When informed that Hamvention was no longer at Hara, the steadfast attendees seemed skeptical.

“I’ve already sold two of these Hammerlund amps this morning. I’ve never heard of the Greene County Expo Center. I’m staying right here at Hara,” remarked an unshaken parking lot vendor. “Hamvention not at Hara… ha! Next you’re going to tell me that the FCC is going to drop the Morse requirement–not going to happen, pal!”

“I’m not sure where the food vendors are this year,” questioned entrepreneurial ham Larry Smalls.  “But I’ve started selling Bud Light for $10 a piece from the cooler in my mobile.”

Dayton Police were called to Hara to address the apparent trespassers, but Dayton Officer Mike Lowry ended up chatting with a VE that had set up a pop-up test session. The officer decided to sit for his Technician’s exam.

As of press time the event was going strong at Hara, seemingly without most hams noticing any change.

K5PO, On the Scene

photo credit: rbatina Hamvention - Dayton Ohio - Hara Arena via photopin (license)

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