Radio Operators Pitch Reality Show To Network

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By WBØRUR, on the scene

– A local ham radio operator hopes to make it to the television screen in his own reality show.

Rural Butte County resident Johnson Chadsworth, a ham radio operator since 2008, has developed a TV series around one facet of the hobby.

“It’s called ‘Tower Takers,'” says Chadsworth. “We’re in serious discussions with TLC Network to shoot a pilot.”

The series focuses on four ham radio operators who travel across the country looking for and taking down unused radio towers.

“It’s similar to STORM CHASERS,” exclaims Chadsworth. “Except there are no tornados.”

Chadsworth is interviewing interested candidates for the other three starring “roles” in the series.

“First, I’m looking for someone with an English accent. That Downton Abbey series is so damn popular; I’d like to capitalize on that. I wonder if that Lord Grantham guy is available?”

He continues.

“Second, a YL would be great. Bring in that that younger male demographic. Maybe she takes down towers in a bikini and a safety harness?”

“Third, I’m looking for a cheeky, young sidekick to play the foil to the English actor’s aristocratic demeanor. Hilarity!”

As with all successful sit-coms, the producer/actor says he’s currently considering a variety of catch-phrases that he hopes will become part of the pop culture lexicon.

“We’re currently focus group testing several: ‘That is quite an erection!’; ‘Talk about hanging steel!’ and ‘They all go down sooner or later!’

In response, the TLC Network says they have “absolutely no idea what Chadsworth is talking about and have no plans to shoot a ham radio show now or in the future.”


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