New Dress Code Adopted For Vintage Hobby

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By K5PO, on the scene

Camp Manbresst, Wash. — Driven largely by the spike in popularity of webcams and live-streaming services like USTREAM, a new dress code has been adopted by FCC rule that must be met by all amateur radio operators involved in “transmitting activities.”

Special Director of the FCC’s Decency Enforcement Acceptance Division Jacob Parpell noted it was really about ensuring that amateur radio remains a “wholesome and family-friendly activity.”

“We find that with a few notable exceptions, most amateurs are holding themselves to a high standard for their radio frequency-based communications. What we also noted is that the various IP-based webcam transmissions many are using to chronicle their on-air activities are, well… not quite as decent,” cited Parpell.

“While we understand that the Part 97 rules are designed to control radio-based communication standards, we feel we have a responsibility to ensure that the total of an amateur’s communications remains well-regulated. After all, amateur radio operators have become the public’s most present representation of FCC licensed individuals,” says Parpell.


Ham radio operators must dress in this style.

It seems the turning point of the FCC decision came recently when Parpell and his peers were monitoring activities around the ARRL’s Field Day. “We saw grown men operating shirtless on a video stream. Their unkempt chest hair and masculine torsos boldly displayed for the camera!” shrieked Parpell.  “Then as we watched in horror, they turned to the camera, smiled and chugged a beer! I envisioned my 15 year old daughter catching a glimpse of this debauchery and I knew I had to do something to turn the tide!”

Parnell’s plan is to have amateur radio operators meet the dress code of FCC field agents from 1945. “We felt that amateur radio was a sort of vintage hobby, and that it would benefit from having its dress code be of a similar vintage,” said Parnell.

While on the air, operators will be required to wear penny loafers, black or brown twill trousers with suspenders, a white or cream-colored shirt, a black blazer, and a black or brown derby-style hat. The dress code requirement goes into effect next month for all licensed U.S. amateur radio operators.


One comment

  • I’ll have to make a quick trip down to the Goodwill. I hope they still have that porkpie hat I saw last week.

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