NRRL Servers Hacked; Members Like It

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By K5KVN, on the scene

NEWINGSTEAD, Vt. — The National Radio Retransmission Legion (NRRL) says their email servers were hacked this week, exposing the personal email addresses of all of its members.

hacked_servers_smallNRRL officials were unabashedly happy about the security breach, saying that most of the thousands of ham radio operators that received the spam emails were actually glad to get them.

“One guy told me that getting an email containing a photo of a partially nude woman was quite thrilling!” said NRRL president Ray Fergie. “Another told me that the Viagra coupon he received was exactly what he needed. He thanked the NRRL for providing such personalized service!”

Roberto Turnbuckle, a 72-year-old NRRL member from San Antonio, wasn’t concerned with receiving six emails about Diabetes medication. “As I said on the 80m Lone Star Net last night, I actually need to order a refill, so the timing couldn’t be better.”

In an emergency meeting of the NRRL board of directors to discuss the matter today, Fergie said, “I wish we would have thought of hacking our own servers. Our members are particularly enjoying the mail-order bride emails. Membership is up 120%!”

He added that anti-spam security on the servers may actually be relaxed in the coming weeks. “Based on the feedback, it seems NRRL members were disappointed that this wasn’t intentional. We received a number of requests to re-enroll members in the spam lists.”


photo credit: Austin Moody via photopin cc

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