Man Can’t Find Johnson

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A Ham Hijinks staff report

CHOUJIAN, China — Taking a cue from a popular Coca-Cola trend, Pofung has announced a new branding effort. But, it’s left at least one ham disappointed.

share_a_pofung_zoomNew handheld radios will feature first names printed on the front of the device, along with the phrase “Share A Pofung With.” More than 1,000 names will be available, according to the company.

“Our radios cost about the same as a soft drink, so we thought we would try it,” Pofung executives said in a news release.

The company says they hope that ham radio operators will consider buying the inexpensive radios in bulk, too. New advertisements will encourage customers to “share a six-pack with your club.”

Some ham radio operators aren’t impressed, though. “I can’t find my name on one,” said Johnson Longfellow, W7XXO.

Look for the personalized Pofungs at ham radio stores in the U.S. and U.K. next month.


One comment

  • Gimmick for cheap Chinese junk.

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