Finger-Pointing, Name Calling As Club “Fails Miserably” At Field Day

GOLDEN SPIKE, Montana – A group of northern Montana amateur radio operators is disbanding their ham radio club after their worst Field Day showing in 27 years.
The road to this year’s Field Day was paved with potholes for the Gold Diggers Amateur Radio Club, as members endured heated confrontations, flying yeast rolls, overturned tureens of vegetable soup and ejection from two separate meeting locations – including a Catholic school altar guild room.
“To say we fell below expectations is putting it mildly,” says former club president Lou Rodden. “The members were so absorbed with making sure we had plenty of food, lawn chairs and drinks that we forgot to bring our radio gear.”
“It was NOT my job to bring the gear,” replied club member Junior Brown, when questioned by Ham Hijinks. Brown was chided repeatedly after forgetting to order food for last year’s Field Day. “I may have overlooked the food then…but I would never forget the radio gear. Knuckleheads.”
Immediately after Field Day, president Rodden called a meeting of club officers. The group voted to disband the club effective July 1.
“Ain’t nowhere to go but up!” said Rodden, who adds that he is now thinking about joining the Jackson Hole, Wyoming, “Jack-A-Lopes” contest club. “I even heard of one club in Arkansas that stopped operating at midnight so they could drink a pint of Fosters! That’s my kind of club!”
Dr. Johnson Longsville, Contest and Promotion Outreach Director at the National Radio Retransmission Legion (NRRL), says this is the first time a radio-less Field Day has happened.
“I can’t remember another group submitting ‘zero’ contacts on their log before. I’m a little surprised the Gold Diggers even submitted a log. Oh, we’ve had plenty of “two’s and three’s” before, usually due to radio failures or RF hash from a generator. But not because the entire club forgot to bring gear.”
[Editor’s Note: You can read more of our reporting on the Gold Digger’s Amateur Radio Club here.]
By WBØRUR, on the scene
Love these reports!
You know this is satire, correct?
Obviously, some didn’t “get it”. Worth of the Babylon Bee.
how sad that none of these guys could drive home and get some gear. where has the ham spirit gone? i thought field day was for fun and to get together. nobody had a mobile rig? good idea that club is breaking up and i hope no local club accepts these guys, not with that “spirit”. by the way, i’m an OT and licensed 60+ years.
You do know this is satire, don’t you?
Lest we forget: This is what happens when we lose “the fun” of the hobby. I’m too many instances, like other areas & people in life, we need to reflect & embrace those which / who attracted us to Amateur Radio in the first place.
Keep it different. Keep it fun.
73 Jeffrey N8SNR
You do know this is satire, don’t you?
Amateur radio is not a hobby, it’s an avocation..
Brilliant! But your intrepid reporter neglects to note that they really didn’t forget all their gear… Acc to Dr. Heisseluft, lawn chairs wired together in a star pattern make an awesome EME bounce antenna! 😉