Club Sanctions Self Over False Signal Reports

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By K5KVN, on the scene

Henryetta, Idaho. — Members of the Henryetta Old Noodles On the Radio (HONOR) club are dealing with “an integrity issue” after reviewing their logs from last weekend’s QRP contest.

Inspecting the paper log prior to mailing it to contest organizers, club president Steven Horowitz noticed a pattern. Every contact in the log noted that a “59” signal was reported to the other station. Horowitz says he was “outraged.”

“It wasn’t one here or there, it was every single contact,” said Horowitz. “I don’t understand how we can honestly say that every single station had an excellent signal. I mean, we have a G5RV in the air that can barely receive WWV out of Colorado! How could we have heard stations that were only operating one watt?”

Horowitz called an emergency meeting of club officers the next day to address the issue. “Don’t tell me you heard them five by nine when you had to ask them to repeat their callsign three times!” said Horowitz.

Following the meeting, the club issued this statement on their website:

“Upon hearing of an integrity issue with signal reports in a recent contest, the HONOR club immediately shredded the log. In an effort to reinstill our club’s core values of honesty and integrity, we are issuing sanctions on ourselves. Each club member will get a hearing test. In addition, for the next year, all signal reports will be corroborated by two club members before they are transmitted back to the station and logged. We will make this right.”

The club plans to participate in the ARRL November Sweepstakes. Horowitz asks for patience from any stations that work the club during the event.


photo credit: iz4aks via photopin cc


  • I am SHOCKED….I say SHOCKED to hear that a contest station is handing out 59 signal reports indiscriminately.

    And don’t think this is an isolated case…I fear it is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • Wait, what? You mean there’s applicable signal reports other than ’59’??? 😉

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